Events Rules

  • Rules and Condition for event (agreement)
  • Rules of Beast Runners EVENTS (races)
  • Refund policy
  • Race Pack, Course, Safety, Insurance
  • ENTRY DISCLAIMER 參賽免責條款 (waiver)

Rules and Condition for event (agreement)

  • I and my group members understand difficulty and risk of the event and will follow all Rules and Mandatory Equipment (please visit rules section on event website)
    • YES – I understand difficulty and risks of the event and I will preapare well for it
  • I and my group members agree with Rules for Beast Runners events, include REFUND mechanism in case of cancelation of the event
  • I and my group members are not aware of any health complications as heart disease, serious allergy or asthma, diabetes or similar which may be danger or fatal to me or to my group member or to others participants of the event. And understand Entry Disclaimer which will sign up
    • Entry Dislaimer text can find below
    • YES – I swear I am healthy and in good physical condition to join this activity and understand Entry Disclaimer
  • I understand there is Only personal pickup of race pack (not delivered by courier, please refer to event website for race pack pickup information)


Rules of Beast Runners EVENTS (races)

    • Before signing up for races, It’s important to understand the difficulty, risk, rules and mandatory equipment
    • Runners should be in a good health and engage regularly in running activities prior to competition
    • Give organizers Signed Entry Disclaimer (read and download here)
    • For participants under 18 years old, a parent agreement is needed
  • ITRA
    • Most of ultra distances required ITRA record, please use your english First and Last name same in ITRA.
    • IAAF Country country code for nationality
    • Some difficult distance may require minimum of Performance Index – general quotation of ITRA (eg. TBT50 420+)
    • Find your past ITRA records here and use same for Beast Runners events:
    • ITRA ID is last numbers of URL in ITRA record of runner (it may be helpful pair result with runners statistic)
    • if not ITRA record fill up “0” or let blank in registration form
    • English Name and English Surname are required (used for ITRA)
    • Taiwanse have to provide Chinese name (need for insurance) – on BIB and on results will use Chinese name only for TPE nationalities
    • Please keep the same names in our or other trail running events
    • Birthday format yyyy-mm-dd   (example: 西元1973724 → 1973-07-24)
    • Phone – please give us phone number contact, please write local phone on entry disclaimer for overseas participants
    • Early Bird – better prices or benefits (the period is also limited by c. 50% capacity, first come – first served)
    • Standard Period – T-shirt guaranteed (or fill up spots)
    • Late Bird – Usually only for elite or overseas runners (spots limited, T-shirt not guaranteed)
    • ECPay – Credit card (currently is not available for event registration payments)
    • PayPal (+5%, doesn’t work for PayPal in Taiwan, please use ATM)
    • ATM in Taiwan to account 玉山銀行 808 / 0554940014193 (台灣跑山獸有限公司)
    • Payment has to be done within 48hours or before deadline
    • Incomplete registrations older than one week may be deleted
    • Complete/Incomplete registrations will be displayed on participants list
    • Upload Proof of Payment via link you receive in email, or use form to upload proof (don`t use email if not necessary):
    • If you need VAT receipt (for using in Taiwan) please contact us via email before event


    • postpone, cancellation or personal reasons 1] 2] below
    • You may transfer to another person 6 weeks before event and pay administration fee 300NTD. T-shirt size is possible to change only 8 weeks before event.
    • Any changes in personal details such as name correction – administration fee 200NTD if within 6 weeks prior event
    • Changes are possible only via email (don`t contact us via LINE or Facebook for this enquiry)


  • 1] REFUND (in case of cancellation or postpone due outbreak, typhoon or similar reason)
    • race pack material cost (1500NTD for Formosa Trail, 1200NTD for EYB)
    • shipping of race pack +100NTD in Taiwan, +300NTD rest of world
    • amount less than 800NTD will be compensated by eShop gift card
    • amounts above 800NTD will automatically transferred to original account (if you pay via Credit Card we may contact you for bank account number)
    • if event has to be cancel within four weeks before event there will not be refunds, but organizers will try compensate as much as possible
    • postpone of event – as above, but need fill up form if wish withdraw from event in new date
    • Examples:
      • example 1: fee of 3500NTD = -1500NTD race pack cost,  2000NTD refund to original account, race pack personally pickup
      • example 2: fee of 2200NTD = -1500NTD race pack cost, send by post in Taiwan -100NTD, 600NTD eshop voucher (no account refund <800NTD)
      • example 3: fee of 5800NTD = -1500NTD race pack cost, send by post to Japan -300NTD, 4000NTD refund to original account


  • 2] REFUND or TRANSFER (personal reasons)
    • for any changes please contact us only via email
    • option A: possible transfer to another person 6 weeks before event (if not waiting list*) or
    • option B (if not waiting list*): compensation = your fee minus race pack material cost which you will receive via post after event (1500NTD + shipping 100NTD in Taiwan, 300NTD rest of world) and 
      • in Early Bird registration period: rest of amount refund to original account
      • in Standard registration period: rest of amount compensation by eShop gift card credit
      • in Late Bird registration period: rest of amount compensation by eShop gift card credit
      • ~6 to 3 weeks before event – no refunds or compensation (inform us about and we will send race pack to your address)
      • DNS (Did Not Start) or within three weeks before event – you or your friend can pickup race pack, not pickup race pack will not be sent!
      • Examples:
        • example 1: withdraw in standard period: fee of 3500NTD = -1500NTD – 100NTD freight cost in Taiwan, 1900NTD eShop voucher (no account refund)
        • example 2: withdraw in standard period: fee of 2200NTD = -1500NTD – 100NTD freight cost in Taiwan, 600NTD eShop voucher (no account refund)
        • example 3: withdraw in standard registration period: fee of 5800NTD = -1500NTD -300NTD freight cost to Japan,  4000NTD eshop credit (no account refund)
        • example 4: withdraw within 6 to 3 weeks before event: fee of 4000NTD = you will receive race pack by post (need inform us, no refunds or eshop voucher)
        • example 5: DNS (Did Not Start) or 3 weeks prior of race – no any action or compensation (we suggest somebody pickup race pack for you)
        • example 6: withdraw in Early Bird period: fee of 2200NTD = -1500NTD – 100NTD freight cost in Taiwan, 600NTD original account refund
    • option C (if waiting list*)
      • more than 5 months before event - refund fee minus 300NTD administration fee
      • less than 5 months before event - refund fee minus 1500NTD which is compensated with eshop gift card
      • less than 3 months before event - fee is compensated by gift card minus race pack cost which you will receive via post (1500NTD + shipping 100NTD in Taiwan, 300NTD rest of world)
      • less than 1 months before event - not any compensation but we can send race pack
    • Only Personal Pickup – if you pickup for your friend, runners to need give us Entry Disclaimer signed by him/her and write your ID number on bottom of document
    • Pickup at the morning of the race is allowed only with our permission, please contact us by email (overseas or another difficulties)
    • It is not possible get race pack after start of race or send via post!
  • T-shirts and gifts
    • T-shirts are guaranteed only for Early and Standard Period registrants
    • Please be sure to choose the right T-shirt size and gender. Changes will not be possible
    • Late Bird may have extra T-shirts available but not guaranteed
    • Volunteers have to contact us early to get a T-shirt
  • BIB
    • Personalized BIB for who signed up in Standard Period (we usually order 6 weeks prior event)
    • Bib number must be visible at the FRONT at all times and showed clearly in control points!!!
    • Chip has to be recorded in each control point and finish line (RFID chip on BIB number in front of your body)
    • Runners are not allowed to give a BIB to another person to join race – this is will not be accepted and will be punished! (2 years banned from BR events). Also it violating insurance contract between participants and insurance comapny.
    • Bandit racing – to run without registration – is immoral and not allowed!
    • Your safety depends upon the quality of the materials which you have in your pack – please respect mandatory equipment (random checks will occur during the race)
    • 安全性是每個人擔心的,,我們希望每位參賽選手能完成賽事。你的安全性取決於您背包裡所有物資的數量。
    • Attention! It is obligatory that you do not leave a person who is having difficulty or is injured.
    • 注意!發揮互助精神,若遇上其他參賽者受傷或不適,應加以援手並通知急救站的工作人員。
    • If you or another competitor is immobilized:
      • Call the race organizers number 0920-018345 (or 0905-120787)
      • Give your position and reference point (use maps from organizers or give coordinates)
      • Explain the situation simply
    • Runners must stay on the marked course. Shortcuts are not permitted. If you get lost, please return to the last sighted marking.
    • Please note that the course will be marked prior to the race, there is still the possibility of markings being defaced or removed by vandals.
    • Organizers provide GPX of the course. Some contests may have mandatory gps device.
    • Withdraw (DNF) from race can only be made at Check Points. Please inform the staff (Runner information about DNF needs to be recorded by staff in Check Point). Transportation may be arranged to pick you up and drop you off at the race venue, but you may need to wait for arrival.
    •  Change contest/distance or DNF
      • It is possible change distance BEFORE EVENT DAY, but you have to contact organizer early.
      • Changing distance during the game is allowed in some contests and at some check points when runners have not reached “the cut off time” or done voluntarily (in both situations, please announce to the check point staff, and there must be done), for this follow event rules.
      • You will be still finisher of new distance, have results, online certificate and ITRA record, but not awarded if in ranked
      • DNF – Did Not Finish, DSQ – Disqualified
      • Cut off times are subject to change (race director has full right to adjust)
    • We strongly recommend you to purchase your own sports insurance. Respect your limits & avoid causing greater injury or harm to yourself.
    • If you start feeling unwell during the race, please stop immediately and seek help from the medical team or contact emergency phone number!
    • Inform organizers only by phone number (printed on BIB). Do not use LINE, FB or email, only via phone in emergency case!!! In serious situation you may contact 119 or 112, but only organizers has ability to locate you on trails.
    • Public Accident Insurance Coverage: If while under insurance coverage, an accident involving the insured person results in the death, injury, loss of property, or disability of a third-person, the insured shall be liable for the damages. Under these circumstances, when the insured files for compensation with the insurance company, the insurance company’s coverage plan includes the following:
      • Up to NT$3 million for each injury, death or disability.
      • For every accident resulting in bodily harm, disability, or death: NT$15 million.
      • For every accident involving loss of property: NT$2 million.
      • Maximum compensation for accidents occurring during the duration of the coverage plan: NT$34 million.
    • Travel Personal Insurance:
      • Please request ONE proof of treatment from hospiltal for this insurance
      • Up to NT$1 million for death or disability.
      • Up to NT$100.000 for each injury
    • Special Terms & Conditions NOT Covered
      • Sports injuries resulting from personal illnesses.
      • Symptoms resulting from personal conditions or cardiovascular disease such as shock, heart diseases, diabetes, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, mountain sickness, epilepsy, dehydration, etc., the insurance company is not responsible for injuries caused by personal illnesses. The public accident insurance plan only covers injury due to outside factors.
      • These will not be covered. Public liability insurance only covers injuries and damages caused by accidents.
      • If a participant has a history of illness and disease as described above, especially cardiovascular disease such as shock, heart diseases, diabetes, it is not allowed join Beast Runners events.
      • If you have ever experienced the following conditions or diseases, you are within the high risk group for sudden death. Please consult a doctor for their professional opinion and refrain from attending the race against their recommendation. Unspecified chest pains, unspecified causes of breathing difficulties, dizziness from unknown causes, sudden loss of consciousness, high blood pressure, heart disease, renal dysfunction, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, have a family history of heart disease, or epilepsy
  • if you have any further inquiries please contact the race organizer


  • 發票開立方式 RECEIPT
    • 本活動採開立電子發票,依電子發票實施作業要點規定作業說明如下:
      • 三聯式電子發票於完成活動結束後35天以E-mail通知寄發電子發票證明聯。
      • 二聯式電子發票於完成活動結束後35天以E-mail通知電子發票開立通知信並於統一發票開獎日翌日起十日內以E-mail通知以未歸戶載具索取電子發票之中獎人,並提供電子發票證明聯交付中獎人作為兌獎憑證。
    • 企業報銷用,請報名時務必點選三聯式發票 (email --> 請上傳付款證明),並填入統一編號及公司抬頭。
    • 只要完成報名程序後,皆無法改開或換開發票。
    • Evets adopts the issuance of electronic invoices. The operation instructions according to the key points of Taiwan electronic invoice implementation are as follows:
      • For triple electronic invoices (company 三聯式電子發票), a certification copy of the electronic invoice will be sent via email 35 days after the event is completed.
      • For two-part electronic invoices (default option, personal receipt 二聯式電子發票), a notification letter for issuance of electronic invoices will be notified by email 35 days after the completion of the event, and a notification letter will be sent by email within 10 days from the day after the unified invoice issuance date for requesting electronic invoices for unregistered numbers. The lotery winner will be provided with an electronic invoice certificate and delivered to the winner as proof of prize redemption.
    • For Taiwan company reimbursement, please be sure to click on the triple invoice (三聯式電子發票) during the when registering (in link for uploading proof of payment which you received via email), and fill in the unified number and company name in chinese.
    • Once the registration process is completed, no invoice can be changed or replaced.



ENTRY DISCLAIMER 參賽免責條款 (waiver)

請先詳細閱讀, 同意後請簽名,並交給主辦單位!
Read, understand, sign and give to organizers!

Beast Runners 跑山獸 event

Entry Disclaimer – Acknowledgement, Release and Indemnity

This is an important document which affects your legal rights and obligations. Please read it carefully.
All competitors must sign this form, print and bring it to Beast Runners  (“Organizer”) before start of event or during pickup of race pack!!!

I, am a Participant in the Beast Runners – NAME of EVENT (“Event”) held on dd/mm/yyyy, and do hereby state, acknowledge, represent, undertake and agree as below:

  1. I have read and understood the race rules and information relating to the Event.
  2. I understand the demanding physical nature of the Event. I declare, as a condition of entry to the Event, that I have sufficiently trained for this Event and that I am not aware of any illness, injury or any other physical disability which may cause me injury or death whilst participating in the Event.
  3. The Event is a physically challenging event and participation in it presents medical risks, many of which can be extremely serious or fatal.
  4. In the event that I become aware of any medical condition or impairment, or I am sick or injured prior to or during the Event, I will withdraw from the Event.
  5. I acknowledge that participating in the Event is a dangerous activity and that by such participation I am exposed to certain risks. I acknowledge that the enjoyment of trail running is derived in part from the inherent risks and exertion beyond the accepted safety of life at home or at work and that these inherent risks contribute to such enjoyment and is a reason for my participation in the Event.
  6. I acknowledge and understand that whilst participating in the Event:
    • I may be injured, physically or mentally, or may die from various causes including, but not limited to, over exertion, dehydration, cardiac arrest, slips, trips or falls, accidents with other participants, spectators or accidents caused by my own actions;
    • My personal property may be lost or damaged;
    • I may cause injury to other persons or damage their property;
    • The conditions in which the Event is conducted may vary without warning;
    • I may be in a remote or isolated location where access to medical support may be limited and take significant time to reach me;
    • There may be no or inadequate facilities for treatment or transport of me if I am injured;
    • I assume the risk and responsibility for any injury, death or property damage resulting from my participation in the Event.
    • I understand There are no traffic controls on the event route!
  7. I also acknowledge and understand that whilst participating in the Event:
    • I agree and I will prepare all mandatory equipment and will carry it between start and finish of event. General for Organizer`s ultra races: strong headlamp, shoes, bag or vest, required volume of water, phone, whistle, BIB on front, emergency blanket, cash, map, jacket…
    • I acknowledge that lost on course is not fault of organizers, and I may use my GPS device with uploaded course;
    • Assisting an injured runner in difficulty is an absolute must, and I will do it;
    • I will not left course without letting know to organizers, never return in opposite direction of or sleep on course. Left course (DNF) will do in Check Point and clearly inform organizers;
    • I will obey the orders of organizer, stuff, or volunteers during event;
    • I am responsible my BIB and chip is recorded in Check Point and in finish of race.
  8. I agree that if I am injured or require medical assistance, the Event Organizers can, at my cost, arrange medical treatment and emergency evacuation as deemed necessary by the Event Organizers. I agree that I am responsible for my own medical and ambulance insurance cover. I will bring my insurance card.
  9. I agree to release, indemnify and hold harmless the Event Organizers, its officers, employees, agents, volunteers, contractors, public bodies, landholders and sponsors, from and against any and all claims, demands, right or cause of action, suits, expenses, costs and proceedings of any nature whatsoever which may be made by me or on my behalf or by other parties for or in respect of or arising out of any injury, loss, damage or death caused to me or my property as a result of my entry or participation in the Event whether by negligence, breach of contract or in any way whatsoever.
  10. I also agree that in the event I am injured or my property is damaged I will bring no claim, legal or otherwise, against the Event Organizers in respect to that injury or damage.
  11. I agree to allow my name, results, photographs, videos, multimedia or film likeness to be used for any legitimate purpose by the race organizers without payment or compensation.
  12. I agree to abide by the Event rules and the directions of all Event officials.
  13. I acknowledge that the Event Organizer may change the advertised course without notice if the Event Organizers deem this necessary. I also acknowledge that the event organizer may cancel the Event due to weather conditions, safety considerations, terrorism or ‘acts of god’ and that in such circumstances my entry fee will be non-refundable.
  14. Event rules are post on event website and Registration rules and entry disclaimer on
  15. COVID-19 or any OUTBREAK SAFETY PLAN: I have not been in contact with a person who has been quarantined or suspected of having Covid-19 virus in the last two weeks. I have not traveled overseas in the last two weeks. I do not, nor have I shown any symptoms in the last two weeks. I have read all the safety precautions, and I agree to follow them


Your NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………

DATE and Your SIGNATURE: ………………………………………………………………

Your PHONE NUMBER during event: ……………………………………………………

Your contact person (name – phone): ……………………………………………………

Pickup by (name of who receive race pack): ……………………………………………