Formosa Trail 2024
if you are participants of Formosa Traill 2024 you can add here shuttle bus, extra T-shirt or socks or any other item from eshop and we will attach to your race pack BIB number. But please still use your real address (we will recognize you are participants and attach to you BIB number).
The order will show also on participants list: https://formosatrail.com/participants/
Beast Runners 跑山獸 lates version of BUFF. Aborigines eye symbol with dark red.- 250 TWD
- 250 TWD
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BOWL bamboo fiber composite Formosa Trail and free plastic spork
BOWL bamboo fiber composite Formosa Trail and free plastic spork 碗- 250 TWD
350 TWD- 250 TWD
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Formosa Trail mountaineering bucket HAT
Formosa Trail mountaineering bucket HAT double side, red and light, change by your mood or your preference. Perfect fit with Formosa Trail 2024 red or light T-shirt.- 400 TWD
450 TWD- 400 TWD
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連帽衫 跑山獸 Formosa Trail by OTSO
OTSO Hoodie長袖連帽衫 – 跑山獸 – Formosa Trail OTSO 長袖連帽衫內裡有天鵝絨,觸感非常柔軟,沒有拉鍊且兩個非常實用的口袋。 用最好的技術,製造出超舒適的運動服。 這款與跑山獸最知名的越野賽事福爾摩沙古道專屬的聯名設計,把福爾摩沙系列的圖騰設計與OTSO 長袖連帽衫做了最巧妙的設計結合。 對於所有喜愛跑山獸福爾摩沙古道或是圖騰設計的人,這件結合舒適跟質量的長袖連帽衫,是你絕對不可錯過的選擇。 非常適合在涼爽的天氣裡單穿秀出亮麗色彩,或是在寒冷的日子穿在夾克裡保持溫暖。 主要特徵 完全在歐洲製造 93% 聚酯纖維 7% 彈性纖維 輕薄保暖面料 超級舒適 快乾 OTSO Long Sleeve Hoodie – Beast – Formosa Trail With velvet inside that provides a very soft touch, with a...- 2,580 TWD
- 2,580 TWD
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SURFACE Chest/Shoulder Bag Formosa Trail by Hanchor
SURFACE is a multifunctional pack, adopting high-end material. It can be used as either an Urban Shoulder Pack itself or be attached to backpacks as a chest pack. Made from X-Pac VX21, a laminated fabric (200d nylon + black polyester x-ply at 22 +...- 1,650 TWD
- 1,650 TWD
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Surface Black Red
Surface Red White
T-shirt Formosa Trail 2023 + FREE buff
Beast Runners 跑山獸 T-shirt edition of Formosa Trail 2023 include FREE red Beast 跑山獸 buff (this one) 男 MALE SIZE Chest (cm, half perimeter) Body Length (cm) XS 男 45 60 S 男 48 63 M 男 51 65 L 男 53 68...- 1,150 TWD
1,330 TWD- 1,150 TWD
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T-shirt Formosa Trail CREAM + HAT
Beast Runners 跑山獸 T-shirt edition of Formosa Trail 2024 and Formosa HAT 男 MALE SIZE Chest (cm, half perimeter) Body Length (cm) XS 男 45 60 S 男 48 63 M 男 51 65 L 男 53 68 XL 男 56 70 2XL...- 1,250 TWD
1,480 TWD- 1,250 TWD
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T-shirt Formosa Trail RED + HAT
Beast Runners 跑山獸 T-shirt edition of Formosa Trail 2024 (red color) and Formosa HAT 男 MALE SIZE Chest (cm, half perimeter) Body Length (cm) XS 男 45 60 S 男 48 63 M 男 51 65 L 男 53 68 XL 男 56...- 1,250 TWD
1,480 TWD- 1,250 TWD
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Titanium Chopsticks and Spork Set
Includes 22cm Long Metal Chopstick Pair (Detachable half) and 16cm Double-Ended Spork/Bottle Opener LIGHTWEIGHT TITANIUM: The titanium design is long-lasting, incredibly light and heat resistant, making this set perfect for reusable. The ultra-light material is ideal for hikers or campers when camping to lighten...- 450 TWD
480 TWD- 450 TWD
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Formosa Trail 聯名短筒野跑襪 (2023) 好的跑步襪,都是無接縫襪頭,襪尖的結合非常平滑,沒有凸起不留線頭。尤其是馬拉松專用跑襪,輕薄無負擔反饋速度快屬於高步頻專屬使用 Good running socks have seamless toes. The toes are very smooth and have no bulges or threads. Especially marathon running socks, they are light, weightless, and provide fast feedback. They are suitable for high cadence use only. SIZE 尺寸...- 450 TWD
- 450 TWD
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Formosa Trail 聯名短筒野跑襪 (2023) 好的跑步襪,都是無接縫襪頭,襪尖的結合非常平滑,沒有凸起不留線頭。尤其是馬拉松專用跑襪,輕薄無負擔反饋速度快屬於高步頻專屬使用 Good running socks have seamless toes. The toes are very smooth and have no bulges or threads. Especially marathon running socks, they are light, weightless, and provide fast feedback. They are suitable for high cadence use only. SIZE 尺寸...- 450 TWD
- 450 TWD
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跑山獸 羊毛登山襪
短筒羊毛登山襪 Short wool hiking socks Beast Runners 跑山獸 – Formosa Trail – Footland edition Fuctionality FootLand全系列登山襪款採用高等級美麗諾羊毛織造而成,同時達成緩衝保護、控溫透氣、排汗除臭等最佳解決方案。 一雙好的登山鞋、一定要再配上適當的襪子搭配方能展現最佳狀態,登山襪可以讓腳部舒適、減少摩擦、防止起水泡,還能提供厚墊、緩衝、減震力,讓登山健行時能更加愉悅。 針對足弓 腳踝與阿基里斯腱作支撐,腳的包覆性與貼合度相當的高,足弓的拉提會讓您在行走時輕鬆不少 FootLand sock are made of high-grade MERINO WOOL and achieve best solutions for cushioning protection, temperature control and ventilation, prespiration and deodorization. A good pair...- 550 TWD
- 550 TWD
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