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T-shirt Formosa Trail 2023 + FREE buff
Beast Runners 跑山獸 T-shirt edition of Formosa Trail 2023 include FREE red Beast 跑山獸 buff (this one) 男 MALE SIZE Chest (cm, half perimeter) Body Length (cm) XS 男 45 60 S 男 48 63 M 男 51 65 L 男 53 68...- 1,150 TWD
1,330 TWD- 1,150 TWD
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Buy 4 pair of WOOL SOCK and GET 1 pair FREE (選5雙8折) - just add 5 pairs to cart 短筒羊毛登山襪 Short wool hiking socks Beast Runners 跑山獸 – Formosa Trail – Footland edition Fuctionality FootLand全系列登山襪款採用高等級美麗諾羊毛織造而成,同時達成緩衝保護、控溫透氣、排汗除臭等最佳解決方案。 一雙好的登山鞋、一定要再配上適當的襪子搭配方能展現最佳狀態,登山襪可以讓腳部舒適、減少摩擦、防止起水泡,還能提供厚墊、緩衝、減震力,讓登山健行時能更加愉悅。 針對足弓 腳踝與阿基里斯腱作支撐,腳的包覆性與貼合度相當的高,足弓的拉提會讓您在行走時輕鬆不少 FootLand sock are made of high-grade...- 550 TWD
- 550 TWD
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Beast BUFF red
Beast Runners 跑山獸 lates version of BUFF. Aborigines eye symbol with dark red.- 250 TWD
- 250 TWD
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HOODIE 跑山獸 Formosa Trail by OTSO
OTSO Hoodie長袖連帽衫 – 跑山獸 – Formosa Trail OTSO 長袖連帽衫內裡有天鵝絨,觸感非常柔軟,沒有拉鍊且兩個非常實用的口袋。 用最好的技術,製造出超舒適的運動服。 這款與跑山獸最知名的越野賽事福爾摩沙古道專屬的聯名設計,把福爾摩沙系列的圖騰設計與OTSO 長袖連帽衫做了最巧妙的設計結合。 對於所有喜愛跑山獸福爾摩沙古道或是圖騰設計的人,這件結合舒適跟質量的長袖連帽衫,是你絕對不可錯過的選擇。 非常適合在涼爽的天氣裡單穿秀出亮麗色彩,或是在寒冷的日子穿在夾克裡保持溫暖。 主要特徵 完全在歐洲製造 93% 聚酯纖維 7% 彈性纖維 輕薄保暖面料 超級舒適 快乾 OTSO Long Sleeve Hoodie – Beast – Formosa Trail With velvet inside that provides a very soft touch, with a...- 2,580 TWD
- 2,580 TWD
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Formosa Trail 聯名短筒野跑襪 (2023) 好的跑步襪,都是無接縫襪頭,襪尖的結合非常平滑,沒有凸起不留線頭。尤其是馬拉松專用跑襪,輕薄無負擔反饋速度快屬於高步頻專屬使用 Good running socks have seamless toes. The toes are very smooth and have no bulges or threads. Especially marathon running socks, they are light, weightless, and provide fast feedback. They are suitable for high cadence use only. SIZE 尺寸...- 450 TWD
- 450 TWD
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SURFACE Chest/Shoulder Bag Formosa Trail by Hanchor
SURFACE is a multifunctional pack, adopting high-end material. It can be used as either an Urban Shoulder Pack itself or be attached to backpacks as a chest pack. Made from X-Pac VX21, a laminated fabric (200d nylon + black polyester x-ply at 22 +...- 1,650 TWD
- 1,650 TWD
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Surface Black Red
Surface Red White
TORNADO 跑山獸 Beast Vest Pack
限定優惠!Limited offer! 加贈跑山獸軟水壺700mL*1 + bowl 250ml ---> BUNDLE- 5,990 TWD
6,440 TWD- 5,990 TWD
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Bowl Foldable 250ml
Collapsible Foldable lightweight hiking cup lightweight just below 30g 250ml volume for smaller meal or drinks perfectly fit to set with 110g gas bomb (eg. into TOAKS Light Titanium 650ml POT) 100 TPU (BPA-free material) convenient for trail running events or hiking 可折疊輕便健行杯...- 200 TWD
- 200 TWD
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Bowl foldable RED
Bowl foldable BLACK
Tyvek Zipper Bag
White TYVEK zipper pouch Splash proof design with waterproof zipper Keep your stuff dry or keep wet in (for example after swimming) Perfect for hiking or travel; tuck into your bag or rucksack 32 x 23cm with printed Beast Runners 跑山獸 logo lightweight 18g...- 200 TWD
- 200 TWD
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OPINEL knife Stainless steel
※以下原廠提供參考數據品名:OPINEL Stainless steel TRADITION 法國刀不銹鋼系列 》不銹鋼刀刃系列 山特維克(Sandvik)12C27的不銹鋼 至少0.4%的碳含量 優良的硬度 附皮繩 不易生鏽 》櫸木刀柄 櫸木是OPINEL 最常用來當刀柄的木材 非常堅硬、耐用、易握 外觀木紋顏色均勻 來自法國 No. 06 Stainless steel with leather leather cord Size 尺寸( ±10﹪):刀刃長7 cm、全長16.8 cm Weight 重量( ±10﹪):26 g No. 07 Stainless steel with leather leather cord Size 尺寸(...- From 460 TWD
- From 460 TWD
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Fenix HM50R v2.0 headlamp
HM50R V2.0 是 Petr 最喜愛的小型頭燈(比 HM23 更強),適合夜跑或騎行使用(即使佩戴頭盔也能穩固貼合),也可作為登山行程的備用手電筒。若僅需使用數小時,它也可作為主要的登山或越野跑頭燈。HM50R V2.0 隨附一顆 16340 可充電鋰電池,可直接透過 USB-C 於燈體內充電,亦可使用 CR123 電池。 對於經常在夜間行走的越野跑者或登山者,我們仍然推薦選擇更強勁的主燈,例如 HM65R-T V2.0. HM50R v2.0 is Petr`s favourite small headlamp (stronger than HM23) for evening runs or biking (fit well on forehead even with helmet on) or as...- 1,900 TWD
2,380 TWD- 1,900 TWD
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承襲Fox 40的創新設計及優良技術,無壓力點的人體工學設計,輕便,保存方便,可加掛在救身衣,背包,各式衣類,FOX 40是最優秀的口哨,滲透聲音能穿過多層阻礙,包括噪音及吵雜的環境皆能清楚的聽到哨音,FOX 40口哨尖銳刺耳的"顫音"能傳音達到一英哩,是傳統口哨無法達到的!FOX哨子,能完全蓋過人群聲浪及環境噪音,運用於運動、戶外救生、探險救災、控制場面、訓練動物、演唱會歡呼等等...此口哨的優點: 一為省力,用小勁吹就能發出大、高、尖的音。 二是好含,此口哨的嘴扁平而長,容易含在口中。 三是好聽。 特殊設計使清洗內部空間相當 方便,可防止細菌的滋生並有防結冰功能,絕對是緊急狀況下不可缺少的聲音裝置! The Fox 40 Micro® is designed to be small and flat with no pressure points Can be attached to anything - life jackets, clothing, backpacks, etc. Recommended choice by outdoor enthusiasts, adventure guides, runners, hikers and...- 265 TWD
- 265 TWD
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FOX40 micro ORANGE
FOX40 micro YELLOW
FOX40 micro PINK
FOX40 micro BLUE
- FOX40 micro Neon yellow
BEANIE 跑山獸 Formosa Trail edition by OTSO
OTSO BEANIE輕薄保暖帽 OTSO 的輕薄保暖帽它們非常適合冷天使用,可用於跑步、散步、山地滑雪……,在寒冷的日子裡的所有戶外活動,我們需要保護頭部和耳朵免受低溫影響,同時還要在運動大量流汗後能保持頭部始終乾爽無汗。 OTSO 輕薄保暖帽的面料是萊卡運動布料和聚酯纖維的完美結合,具有保護和透氣性,戴起來非常舒服。 這頂與跑山獸最知名的福爾摩沙古道專屬的聯名帽款,把福爾摩沙系列的圖騰設計與OTSO 輕薄保暖帽做了最巧妙的設計結合。 對於所有喜愛跑山獸福爾摩沙古道或是設計的人,這頂結合了舒適跟質量的輕薄保暖帽是天冷時戶外活動最亮眼的搭配。 主要特徵 完全在歐盟製造 85% 聚酯纖維,15% 萊卡運動布料 體溫調節 透氣排汗 通風 快乾 one size fit most OTSO BEANIE The hats of OTSO They are ideal in cold weather and can be used for running, walking, mountain skiing,…,...- 780 TWD
- 780 TWD
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BEAST CERAMIC MUG 300ml ceramic mug for your daily coffee or tea volume 300ml 跑山獸馬克杯 300ml 陶瓷,適合日常喝咖啡或茶 容量300毫升- 290 TWD
350 TWD- 290 TWD
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Beast Flask 700ml
NEW Beast SOFT FLASK 700ml Designed for hikers and trail runners TPU material and BPA free Mid size 4cm screw cap for convenience filling and carrying Include light string for secure holding Practical large capacity of 700ml (24oz) for mountains VALVE LOCKER of bite vale to...- 450 TWD
530 TWD- 450 TWD
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OUTLET - last pieces
OUTLET - Clearance of last pieces of apparel with significant discount T-shirt Formosa Trail RED + FREE RED BUFF Beast Runners 跑山獸 T-shirt edition of Formosa Trail 2022 include FREE headband 男 MALE SIZE Chest (cm, half perimeter) Body Length (cm) XS 男...- From 125 TWD
250 TWD- From 125 TWD
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Beast 跑山獸 Nail Clipper set
Cut your Beast nails: Nail Clipper big - straight blade (good for toenails) Nail Clipper small - round blade (good for fingernails) Nail File (good for fine finishing) All in metal case- 400 TWD
480 TWD- 400 TWD
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Hook and 62cm Strap with carabiner
Hook and 62cm Strap with carabiner - attach helmet or small item to pack as Hanchor TORNADO Hook and 62cm strap + small carabiners attach more smoothly while tightening and adjusting the straps. Able to attach all sorts of gears onto the backpack (eg....- 160 TWD
- 160 TWD
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TORNADO 跑山獸 Beast Vest Pack BUNDLE (FREE 700ml flask and 250ml bowl)
限定優惠!加贈跑山獸軟水壺700mL*1 and 可折疊輕便健行杯 250ml*1 Limited offer! You will receive a free 700ml Beast Soft Flask 700ml (1pc) and Bowl Foldable 250ml (1pc)- 5,990 TWD
6,640 TWD- 5,990 TWD
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